Erwähnung Riehener Zeitung, Galerie Mollwo


Galerie Mollwo, Melissa Pacheco

Erwähnung Kunst Katalog boesner, April Ausgabe


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Melissa Pacheco, Kunst Basel, Events Basel Kunst, Lora Basel, Kunstausstellung Schweiz, Galerie Basel Schweiz¨

Melissa Pacheco, Swiss artist, Design art, art gallery, Kurs Aarau, Kunst Schweiz, Kunstausstellung
Melissa Pacheco, Swiss artist, Design art, art gallery, Kurs Aarau, Kunst Schweiz, Kunstausstellung

Melissa Pacheco, Swiss artist, Design art, art gallery, Kurs Aarau, Kunst Schweiz, Kunstausstellung
Melissa Pacheco, Swiss artist, Design art, art gallery, Kurs Aarau, Kunst Schweiz, Kunstausstellung

Melissa Pacheco, Art Gallery, Art Milan, Kunstausstellung, Mads Gallery
Melissa Pacheco, Kunst Schweiz, Malen Aarau, Kreativ Kurs, Swiss Artist, Kunstausstellung, Contemporary artist

9 SEPT 2021, written by Art Curator Elisabetta Eliotropio

The art made by the artist Menina Melissa is a set of different shapes and colours. To introduce her work could be useful to start from her consideration. As she says :<< each painting tells its own story and invites the viewer to pause and discover>>. In fact if we consider the paintings that she presents on occasion of the international art exhibition DE.MO we can see that each piece has his own tail that is written through the shapes and the colors used. Although the style is similar, the observer can discover different intentions beyond every form and colors used. Starting from the painting titled 035_2021, we can see on the background some geometrical shapes on which emerge intense patches undefined of color. As if the artist wants to tell us about this duality and dialogue between something defined and confusing. The geometry of the shapes and the chaos of the spots. In a similar way, we can see the composition of the second painting titled 197_2021. On this occasion the space seems to be cat in three parts vertically. From the left the lines that cat the space seems to be defined at the same time the composition becomes more confusing on the right of the artworks. The colors are arranged in layers as if the painting wants to be discovered in its hidden meaning. The observer is involved as if in the act of looking he was leafing through the painting to slowly discover the various parts that compose it. In the third painting, the geometry of the shapes become more defined. It is as if the element of confusion appears more subdued to give more meaning to defined shapes. The way the artist uses the abstracts is a pretext to talk with herself and discover new meanings and new concepts. In this way the action of the creation is also for her the moment of the pause and discovery.

Galeria Azur, Melissa Pacheco, Art Madrid, Gallery Art, Kunst Aarau, Kunstausstellung, Malkurs Aarau
Agora Gallery, New York Gallery, Melissa Pacheco, Swiss Artist, Contemporary Art, Kunstausstellung